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Avengers Assemble! Combating Harmful Algal Blooms

The Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology is hosting a virtual lecture: Avengers Assemble! Combating Harmful Algal Blooms on November 17, 2020 from 6:00PM-7:00PM.

Harmful algal blooms produce toxins that can hurt wildlife and humans. Learn about the tools we're developing to fight these blooms.

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a global concern in both freshwater and coastal systems; creating dire consequences for public health, water resources, and local economies. In the latest Avenger movies, the villain, Thanos, becomes all powerful when he collects the six infinity stones. Like Thanos, Harmful algal blooms can become powerful when there are optimal nutrients, light, temperature, salinity, water flow, and minimal competitors/predators. Similar to the Avengers, scientists and managers must assemble to combat harmful algal blooms through prediction, prevention, and mitigation techniques.

Dr. Allen Place and graduate student, Taylor Armstrong, will go through:

  • What harmful algal blooms occur in Maryland.

  • Why they are increasing in frequency and duration.

  • What is being done to combat harmful algal blooms.

  • What projects their lab is currently researching pertaining to the issue.

If you have questions or comments, please contact:

Information and Registration Link - Click Here!