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Virtual Liberty Energy Efficiency Workshop

Join the folks at EarthWays Center Of Missouri Botanical Garden as they partner with Liberty Utilities for an Energy Efficiency Workshop on Wednesday, July 21st from 10:00AM to 12:30PM EST.

About this event:

This interactive, virtual workshop is all about energy! Explore the science behind energy through hands-on, interactive activities and classroom lessons using common household items. The materials are designed to align with Missouri Learning Standards. Build understanding and knowledge of the role that energy has in our daily lives. Explore connections between energy and sustainability, and how you can use energy to teach about human impact on the environment.


  • Background information about energy topics including forms and sources

  • Discussion of energy efficiency and conservation

  • Connections between energy and electricity

  • Renewable energy sources and solutions


  1. Energy science toolkit to be mailed to educators

  2. Digital copies of all lessons and activities

  3. Stipend*

Must live or work within a Liberty Utilities Service Territory to qualify for stipend. Educators must attend both days to qualify for stipend.

Register here!