Learn about local urban climate solutions, from green infrastructure to mitigate climate impacts to natural carbon reduction solutions. Research, explore and creatively interpret these sustainability initiatives through visual art, performance, music, dance and poetry. Learn #sustainable processes - #mycelium sculpture, #kombuchaleather, #bioremediation art, #ecoprinting, #naturaldyes, #papermache, #clay, #bamboo, #livingsculpture #recycledmaterials
Participate with Ecological City: Art & Climate Solutions Action Workshops and collaborate with our artists-in-residence creating visual art, giant puppets, costumes and performances to be presented in the culminating Ecological City: Art & Climate Solutions Pageant - a physically distanced live and virtual presentation of pop-up site performances bringing together and celebrating climate solution initiatives throughout the community gardens neighborhood and waterfront on the Lower East Side of New York City.
March 5 – May 11
Wednesdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm | costume with artist Michele Brody
Saturdays 12pm – 4pm | puppet with artist Lucrecia Novoa
For more details, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/earth-celebrations-art-climate-solutions-workshops-tickets-130886816993?aff=ebdssbdestsearch