Take a nature tour of Hunter's Point South Park led by Gabriel Willow, in partnership with the Newtown Creek Alliance. Gabriel a freelance environmental educator with a particular interest in birds, Human Ecology, and ecological plasticity & resilience in urban spaces.
These events will focus on migratory birds, as well as the salt marsh ecosystem that we have in Hunter’s Point South Park, the native plants and animals that are found in the park, and more.
The meeting point for the nature tours will be under the 'High Tide' mural at Center Blvd. & Borden Ave. We recommend arrive 5 to 10 minutes early as the tours will begin promptly on time.
To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nature-tour-of-hunters-point-south-park-tickets-300963619287?aff=ebdssbdestsearch