Celebrate Arbor Day at Green-Wood by planting trees! Green-Wood is an accredited Level III Arboretum—one of only 42 in the world—home to over 8,000 trees. And the collection continues to grow! Get your hands dirty and learn about the dos and don'ts of tree planting, and how our new additions will support wildlife and increase our city's resilience to a changing climate.
Green-Wood’s horticulture staff and our partners at The New York City Compost Project Hosted by Big Reuse will be there to share their knowledge and love of trees and compost. We will supply all of the tools and equipment; you just need closed toe shoes and clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty. A bottle of drinking water and sun protection is recommended!
To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/arbor-day-tree-planting-tickets-292493424707?aff=ebdssbdestsearch