ON HER SHOULDERS, New Perspectives Theatre Company's program of recovering plays by women from the past, presents ON THE THIN CRUST OF CIVILIZATION: The Plays of Marita Bonner.
We are requesting a minimum of a $10 donation, which helps to support the artists involved in the program. Please be as generous as you can be!
The three plays, The Pot Maker (1927), The Purple Flower (1928) and Exit, an Illusion (1929) are directed by Magaly Colimon-Christopher. The Play in Context component, which situates the scripts in their historical time and place, is by dramaturg Arminda Thomas.
The cast includes C.K. Allen, Janelle Clayton, Laura E. Johnston, Joshua Josey, Ian Lawrence, and Raven Ray Simone.
The broadcast begins at 2:00pm on Saturday, April 9th and will be available through midnight on April 13, 2022.
For details and registration, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/on-the-thin-crust-of-civilization-the-plays-of-marita-bonner-tickets-304896492617?aff=ebdssbdestsearch