Jason Tam

The longer we wait to solve the climate crisis, the harder it becomes to solve it. So in addition to pushing businesses and the government to adopt greener policies, I also try to challenge myself to carry my weight and change my personal behavior to protect earth, the only home we have in this vast, inhospitable universe.

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Bailey Poe

I volunteer as a Green Captain because it allows me to blend my passion for the arts and my love of the planet to promote sustainable practices in the theatre industry. As someone who gets to freely enjoy Mother Nature, I find a responsibility in sharing these sustainable practices to those around me to help insure the longevity of the planet.

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Justin Albinder

I'm so excited to be working with the BGA while on the road! I've been a vegan for about 5 years, and I'm passionate about taking care of this planet while we still can. Maintaining a green lifestyle on tour can be really tough, but I'm eager to find meaningful ways to be sustainable and protect our planet despite that, and hopefully I can share some of the things I learn with my fellow road-mates.

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Lauren Boyd

After spending several quarantine hours watching David Attenboroug documentaries and reading "Garbology" by Edward Humes during the pandemic, I decided that I wanted to make some life long habits that could help save our planet. Now, coming back to Hamilton on Broadway, my goal is to encourage people like you to go green and create a legacy by ‘planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.’

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Kevin Patrick Martin

I am so excited to be working with BGA as a Green co-Captain for the Jersey Boys National Tour. As a vegetarian of almost 10 years and someone who cares deeply for the beauty that our planet has to offer, I look forward to working with our company to implement meaningful practices that will help benefit our environment and our community!

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Hamilton Moore

I decided to volunteer as a Green Captain to help foster a greater sense of mindfulness towards our effect as a company on the environment. We may never offset our sizable carbon impact via fossil fuel consumption per transportation, but I believe we should do what is within our power. I am a longtime outdoorsman and nature enthusiast and I hope to preserve the great outdoors for generations to come.

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Ta-Tynisa Wilson

I decided to join BGA and become a Green Captain for Hamilton on Broadway because there are so many ways we can make the theater community a greener place, especially behind the scenes. I’ve learned so much from some of the BGA events and I’m honestly excited to learn more and get involved with helping out as much as I can. My plan is to find ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. We’ve got this!

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