please note that this is an unofficial mock-up and not for public view or distribution
spread the word
The climate emergency demands immediate, urgent action. We need to take it, we need to demand it, and we need to encourage it in our communities. Help spread the word about the climate emergency and encourage the everyone in your community to join the Theatre Climate Revolution.
Find suggested social media language below to help spread the word below.
Post It—Download
Suggested Language: I’m so excited to be a part of the Theatre Climate Revolution, a campaign led by @BroadwayGreen uniting the theatre community to fight the climate crisis. Artists, industry members, nonprofits, and millions of theatre fans like myself are banding together to take significant climate action. The time is now, and we all have a role to play in this crucial fight. Join me and take action by going to
‘Gram It—Download
Suggested Language: I’m so excited to be a part of the Theatre Climate Revolution, a campaign led by @broadwaygreenalliance uniting the theatre community to fight the climate crisis. Artists, industry members, nonprofits, and millions of theatre fans like myself are banding together to take significant climate action. The time is now, and we all have a role to play in this crucial fight. Join me and take action by going to the link in my bio or visit
Tweet It—Download
Suggested Language: I’m so excited to be a part of @BroadwayGreen‘s Theatre Climate Revolution, a campaign uniting the theatre community to fight the climate crisis. Join me & take action at!