BGA Theatre Climate Pledge
The Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) is not just for Broadway shows, we advocate for sustainable theatre in all regions, at all stages, and for all organizations. We invite those creating theatre in any capacity to join us in this effort by taking the BGA Theatre Climate Pledge. This public commitment demonstrates your commitment to sustainable theatre and climate action.
A pledge is a formal way to promise to take action. A pledge demands dedication. A pledge is a way to hold yourself publicly accountable to stand by your values and commitments.
By taking the BGA Theatre Climate Pledge, you join a nationwide movement and commit to:
Implementing at least one new sustainable practice for your production.
Publicly announcing this practice and commitment to your audiences.
Providing the BGA with a picture or link to the public announcement.
After taking the pledge, you will receive an email from our team with sustainable theatre resources and toolkits. The BGA is here to support your work and answer any questions as you go. Please feel free to reach out to our team via email at any time.